Retreat with Alisa, February 2-4, 2024
Wimberley, TX
Space is limited!!
Please join Alisa in the Texas Hill Country in a lovely and cozy house, with lots of trees, wildlife, and quiet, for a time of reflection, restoration, and healing. Join a few other women who are on an intentional path of connection with the Divine, with self, and with others in an authentic and relaxed way. We will utilize inner work, a fire ceremony, sound healing with drums, intuitive readings, writing and art to listen deeply, and expand your capacity for courage, and compassion. This is often the recipe for creative approaches to life situations to emerge! *
Come for one or both nights, at $333 per person, per night. Contact Alisa with questions, or to reserve your space.
February 1st and 2nd are associated with several spiritual traditions. It is the season of Imbolc on the Celtic Turn of the Wheel. It is connected with St, Brigid, of the Celtic Christian tradition, but also the ancient Goddess. This time is often close to the beginning of Lent and Mardi Gras. The timing is intentional, with aspects of some of these traditions woven into our time together.
*Continue reading below about Turquoise Door Retreats to learn more about the experience!
A Turquoise Door has, for me, become a symbol for a threshold that leads to a deeper exploration of our inner worlds; to a re-membering of aspects of our Beingness; to a reconnection with parts of ourselves. Walking through the Turquoise Door within a strong and loving container, held by one who has wisdom, expertise, training and a wide capacity for compassion, can lead to transformation, healing, creativity, and wholeness.
That container, a magical cauldron, is what a Turquoise Door retreat is all about. Sacred space - physical, emotional, and energetic - is created for you to embark on your particular journey - whether that be one of exploration and discovery, deep healing, or renewal and restoration.
Turquoise Door retreats are created and guided by me, Alisa Carr, as well as those collaborators who may join me. I tap into my intuition, and draw from my InterSpiritual training and skills in several healing modalities, to guide your way along the path of healing, accompany your dive into spiritual depths, and celebrate your transformation!
Turquoise Door retreats come in different forms. There are scheduled dates for participants to enter for varying lengths of time. There are themed experiences for a predetermined time. There are opportunities for private individual or group experiences.
"Come to Me! Walk through Me! I call to you with my vibrant, earthy, and beautiful voice! You may have heard gentle whispers, express invitations, or demanding cries coming from behind me. You may have felt a nudging to explore within my boundaries. Please do! Say “yes” to them, turn the knob, open me up, and walk over my threshold! Doing so will truly transform you! It will show you areas for healing. You will find Energy. Life. Wholeness.” A Message from the Turquoise Door in Alisa’s dream, 2010. Click here to read more about it…
turquoise door retreat - transformational!
Do you know that it’s time to reconnect with yourSelf and with Source in a contemplative space?
Have you reached a plateau in your healing journey and need some guidance?
Do you desire spiritual and emotional support for an expansion that’s taking place? (Or that you feel is coming? Or that you want to emerge!)
Are you going through a difficult transition in life?
Do you know that it’s time to do some focused healing work in a particular area or with a particular memory?
Do you have a spiritual practice of making retreats?
Do you want to explore a variety of spiritual practices from varying traditions?
Do you want to take a deeper dive into a particular spiritual practice?
Are you ready to do a digital detox as a gateway to transformation?
“Alisa Carr was absolutely magical. She has a very genuine soul with gifts that I am still in awe of. Our group was very supportive of each other. During our session, if anyone had something come up for them, Alisa knew exactly how to be and what to say. She is a genuine healer with a soul that radiates with so much love. I felt safe in her space, and was able to trust this even when I was uncertain about what to expect with the experience. The food was great - fruit and tea were always available. The surrounding mountains were mystical!”
The Sacred Retreat Space
Turquoise Door retreats are available in multiple locations, as we connect and collaborate with healers and space holders across the country. From the rustic beauty of Wimberley in the Texas Hill Country, or the lush mountains of North Georgia, to the high desert of New Mexico and Arizona, or an urban center of art and renewal, such as Detroit, we enter spaces of beauty, art, and nature, and connect with the energy of the land and area for our retreat experience.
Turquoise Door Retreat - A Healing Salve!
Are you in need of an alternative approach to healing a mental and/or emotional dis-ease/dis-order?*
Are you feeling desperate, on shaky ground, or that you are falling apart?
Are you feeling stuck in a destructive or negative behavior pattern?
Do you feel overwhelmed with your emotions and need support beyond traditional talk therapy?
Are you in need of an intensive healing experience but don’t want to go the route of hospitalization?*
Do you feel that you’ve tried everything, and are out of options for moving forward?*
Do you experience suicidal ideation or thoughts of death, but desire Life and are committed to personal safety?*
Elements of the Retreat Experience
I have gathered up quite an array of practices to share with those who venture through that Turquoise Door; practices that are designed to facilitate a sense of safety and relax the nervous system, an opening of the heart, expressions of feelings and thoughts, and community. I have also made strong connections with colleagues and friends who have unique expertise to offer. This combination is a powerful potion for holding the sacred container for healing, growth, and deepening.
Depending on the length of your stay, a Turquoise Door retreat could include any or all of these magical ingredients!
nourishing food
Nourishing meals, snacks, and beverages are provided during your Turquoise Door Retreat. Simple, yet often creative, delicious food will sustain your psychological and spiritual work. The psyche and spirit seem to respond when they know the body is being cared for! We will discuss any dietary needs and preferences you may have prior to your retreat.
We also utilize plants and herbs to for heart opening ceremonies, to invite in rest, dreams and sleep, as well as to support our various physiological systems. Herbal teas, fresh herbs for seasoning, cacao drinks, and other herbal medicine may be available for healing and deepening.
sacred space
Candles, crystals, gorgeous fabrics, artwork, sacred items, incense, and meditative music are all elements used to create beauty and tune into the sacred space of a Turquoise Door retreat. Objects can be a powerful way to acknowledge and even honor aspects of ourselves. An altar anchors in and holds energy for the transformative period of time.
meditation and sound healing
There is a vibration and frequency to everything, including our bodies. We use sound for healing and communion with each other and with nature. Drum and Singing Bowl meditations are regular parts of a retreat experience. Drum circles connect us with our heartbeat, and with the heartbeat of the earth and our ancestors, and help ground us. Song circles offer a form of expression through music.
In addition to specific sound or music meditations, we also create space for a contemplative meditation practice, in community or individually. Contemplative artwork , quiet reflection, journaling, communing with nature are all practices that are supported and encouraged in a Turquoise Door retreat experience.
Myself, and those practitioners with whom I collaborate, have engagement with a variety of spiritual traditions, thus the term InterSpiritual. We teach and guide from our own experiences with these traditions and paths, offering forms of meditation and prayer, philosophy and theology, from that place. We welcome all spiritual paths that value love, healing, transformation, inclusiveness, wholeness and presence. We gather in spaces that offer support for a meditative experience, and encourage limited use of electronics while in your retreat space. Personally, I incorporate teachings and practices from Esoteric, Mystical, and Contemplative Christianity, Divine Feminine spirituality, the practice of yoga, Hindu chanting, some Buddhist principles, and shamanism into my life and work,
inner work
I am Level 2 trained in Internal family Systems, and apply this psychospiritual philosophy in doing healing and creative work with clients. From more casual references to “parts” to a more focused imaginal connection with particular part, this path undergirds much of the inner work in a Turquoise Door retreat.
Intuition and synchronicity are recognized as valuable arrows pointing us in a direction! A tarot or oracle card reading is a magical, healing, and expansive practice used with regularity in retreat space.
Dreams are also recognized as messengers from the psyche. I have intensive study, training,and experience in DreamWork to share with participants.
energy work
An Attuned Reiki Practitioner, I include energy work as an integral piece of a Turquoise Door retreat experience. From recognizing the flow of energy throughout the cosmos through cycles, gridlines, and synchronicity to intentionally using my hands to channel energy for a particular purpose, the flow of energy is acknowledged as healing, connecting, and creative.
We desire to create experiences for community to develop and deepen! Spontaneous conversations, sharing morning and evening rituals, preparing and eating meals together support that endeavor. Depending on the location, there are various opportunities to participate in established community practices, such as yoga, fire circles, song circles, meditation times, local events. Talking Circles lead by a trained facilitator could be a part of a Turquoise Door retreat, as a way to explore important topics of social justice, healing racism, relationships, grief and loss, trauma, etc. in community.
ritual and Ceremony
Our indigenous ancestors knew the value of ritual and ceremony, and these shamanic practices are essential to the Turquoise Door retreat container. Using the elements to celebrating important shifts, healings, or thresholds helps us anchor in what has taken place. Rituals and ceremony support psychic change and growth, as well as connection with spiritual and cosmic forces. We especially tune into the cycles of the earth and the moon, and utilize these to hold the container for our experience. Fire ceremonies can represent letting go, while rituals involving water can represent cleansing and renewal. We tap into creativity and intuition to create these transformative experiences together!
A turquoise door retreat would not be a good fit for the following needs, conditions, or situations:
* A person in danger of harming one’s self, any other person or animal, or property
A person who is unable to manage a volatile temper
A person who is unable to abstain from alcohol or drugs during the retreat
A person NOT open to a variety of spiritual paths, practices, and icons (see photos and itemized practices available)
A person who has NOT considered the impact of white supremacy on people of color AND white people (i.e. white privelege, white shame).
Someone looking for a more spa-like retreat experience
A person emotionally unable to participate in an intensive experience
A person NOT open to alternatives to Western medicine as a means of healing
A person who is allergic to, afraid of, or uncomfortable around a mid-sized dog