Colours of Love - Music, Poetry, Spoken Word
6:00 PM18:00

Colours of Love - Music, Poetry, Spoken Word

We invite your undivided attention for this musical event! Somewhere between Healing Circle and House Concert, it is intended to be an interactive and engaging experience with you, the participants. With original music, ancient poetry, personal stories, and even a crystal singing bowl, we hope to draw you in and have your heart touched!

A collaborative event from Randy Langford , Melinda Joy, Son of Cormack, Jason Hendrix, and Alisa.

Suggested donation of $25 to support music and creativity, and those who sponsor us! We are grateful to Carlos Martin for hosting!

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Cacao Ceremony - An Offering for Justice, Love, and Healing
2:00 PM14:00

Cacao Ceremony - An Offering for Justice, Love, and Healing

Join us for a non-traditional honoring of “Good Friday,” with a fire in the firepit, unplugged music from Randy Langford, and delicious, sustainably-sourced Cacao. We intend to enjoy openhearted conversation, connection and community! Vegetable soup and cornbread to be served in the evening. Bring an acoustic instrument if you like! Suggested contribution - $33.

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A Celebration of Mary Magdalene
7:30 PM19:30

A Celebration of Mary Magdalene

Purchase your ticket here

July 22 is the FeastDay of Mary Magdalene! Come and celebrate this magical figurine who has captured the hearts of so many! We honor The Magdalene as the woman who loved unabashedly with her Alabaster jar of Nard; as the woman who partnered with Jesus as Healer and Anointed him to step more fully onto his path; as the Devoted woman who never left Jesus' side before, during, and after his horrible death; as the Apostle to the Apostles; as the Bride of Christ and as the expression of the Feminine aspect of the Spirit; as the Vessel of Divine Love, Healing, and Consciousness.

Note: The investment for this event is based on the number 153. This is the number of the catch of fish that some of the male disciples hauled in when Jesus, in his resurrected form, advised them where to land the net. In the Greek numerology, this is the same number that "The Magdalene" adds up to!!

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On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...ONE Lot-us Shower!! OPEN HOUSE
2:00 PM14:00

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...ONE Lot-us Shower!! OPEN HOUSE

Happy New Year!!  You are invited to join me for an Open House, at my home in SE Austin, showcasing The Lotus Shower!  This day is the Twelfth Day of Christmas, and the Eve of Epiphany.  The celebration continues of the Indwelling of the Light within each of us, and the way we share that Light with the rest of the world!  

I started this art project in the midst of a year of expansion - personally, spiritually, and professionally.  I was amazed that it started to look exactly as I had pictured in my head.  And the pink, red and purple Lotus, gleaming with quartz, floating in a sea of watery blue, white, and turquoise, became a symbol of manifestation and abundance for me. 

I CAN create what I imagine!!

Since that time I have manifested a healing program that incorporates many of the spiritual and healing paths I have practiced, an online moonly Interspiritual/Inner Work group, an annual feminine spiritual and healing retreat, a shaman, a decrease in debt, an increasing savings account, a deepening relationship - and I know there is more to come!!

I not only want to show off my shower to you, I also want to share the abundance with you!  Come and feast your eyes on the details in it, touch the "magic rocks," even take a shower in it if you want!!

I will have some snacks, a little wine, some leftover cookies, a lot of hot tea...and a fire (surprise, surprise!) available. I'll pass along my address with your RSVP!  Contact me here or text me at (512) 297-8717.  

Even if it doesn't work out for you to join me - I didn't give you much notice, I know - I do now, and will continue to offer my prayers and energy for YOUR abundance, expansion, and transformation in 2019!  The Lotus is known for emerging out of the mud and mire...that's where it grows best!  It is a profound and hopeful symbol for all of us!

With Lotus Love, Empowerment, and Transformation!  Alisa

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Blue Hand Energy Healing Meditation
8:30 PM20:30

Blue Hand Energy Healing Meditation

You are invited to plug into a group energy healing meditation via conference phone line! Are you in need of some restoration and renewal, healing or relief from physical, emotional, or mental tension, or deep connection with the spiritual?  Bring those intentions, along with your pillow and blanket to this virtual energetic gathering.  Make sure you can be in a relaxed position as we tap into the energy of Spirit, of Love, of Peace and Compassion. 

I will be offering Reiki energy, a guided meditation, and a love-infused silence for that energy to work its way into where it's needed most - all with the magic of technology!  At the end of the meditation, I invite questions or a brief sharing about your experience.  Coming together as a group only magnifies the energy that is available for your expansion and healing - I hope you'll join me!

In the calendar system of The Dreamspell, August 13 is a Blue Hand day.  A day of Healing, of Knowledge, of Accomplishment.  Since I am in my Blue Electric Hand year, I am committed to offering this Virtual Energy Healing experience as often as I can, on Blue Hand days! 

Tickets are $37.  Purchase them here at EventBrite

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The Beatitudes - A Path of Healing and Transformation:  A Lenten Retreat
9:30 AM09:30

The Beatitudes - A Path of Healing and Transformation: A Lenten Retreat

Click here to register through St David's Episcopal Church 

The Retreat is held in Bethel Hall.  $20 includes lunch

Lent is the season during the Church year that marks a time of reflection and healing, prior to the mourning of Death on Good Friday, and the celebration of New Life and Resurrection on Easter, which we remember through the body and life of Jesus.  It is often correlated with the time that Jesus spent in the wilderness, as he was wrestling with his inner "demons" in preparation for his ministry.

Whether or not Lent has been part of your spiritual practice, and whether or not you resonate with the Christian tradition, this time of year before Spring sets in fully, invites us to go within. 

This is what we will be doing on February 17 at St. David's Episcopal Church, with The Beatitudes** as our guide:  given to us by Jesus, translated by Cynthia Bourgeault in her book, Wisdom Jesus, and presented to you through my lens of the contemporary practices of inner work.  We will be working with these teachings from the wisdom perspective, which leads us into a journey of healing and transformation.

Blessed are they...

We hear the familiar introduction to those most beautiful, heart-opening, and somewhat daunting teachings of Jesus, in the collection of his wisdom known as the Sermon on the Mount. We call them The Beatitudes.

Maybe you have read these eight verses so many times, the truths they hold barely register in your conscious mind. Possibly you have dismissed them altogether, believing them to be of a different time, or of a standard that is impossible to meet.  It might be that this particular Wisdom tradition is not yet known to you at all.  In this half day retreat of reflection, meditation, and community, you are invited to engage with these most sacred teachings in an intentional, conscious, and deep way.

The topics and questions for reflection, the prayers and meditations, have emerged out of my deep study and prayer with Cynthia Bourgeault’s translation of these sacred teachings of Jesus in just 5 pages of her book, Wisdom Jesus.  Come, receive them into your Being, allow them to guide your inner healing and deepen your connection with God, yourself,  and others.  Open yourself to the transformation these precious gems of wisdom surely have to offer.  Enter the path of healing, wholeness, and joy to which Jesus invites us through these courageous truths.

Click here to register through St David's Episcopal Church 

The Retreat is held in Bethel Hall.  $20 includes lunch

**Sacred Circles , the online group InterSpiritual group of Eye of the Heart, is in the midst of The Beatitudes series as well.  If you can't attend the retreat or are not local to Austin, consider this offering, which meets once every 4 weeks.

with gratitude!  Alisa

Spiritual Director, LCSW, DreamWorker, and Contemplative


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Day of Art, Herbs, and Healing Meditation - The Feast of St Brigid
10:00 AM10:00

Day of Art, Herbs, and Healing Meditation - The Feast of St Brigid

Please join me for a relaxing celebration of the FeastDay of St Brigid of Kildare, Ireland! In addition to art, herb planting, and fire, I will also be debuting a group healing meditation experience!  It will be a first run for what I intend to be a monthly practice, available live via conference call, or in a recording.  See below for the scheduled meditation times.

 I will also be working on my shower mosaic, and offering various artwork stations, including mosaic**, collage, and coloring pages.  You are welcome to bring whatever artwork (painting, drawing, or other art forms are welcome!) you may be creating, to work in community.  

We will have herb seeds to plant (bring your own pot, or use one of my strays!), and you will have the opportunity to create your own herbal blend with essential oils.**

There are books to read, journaling questions to respond to, and artwork to reflect whatever you may be working on personally.  

There will be healthy snacks and lunch!

We will also keep a fire burning in my outdoor fire pit in honor of the eternal flame that Brigid's nuns were said to have kept at their monastery.

St Brigid of Kildare lived from 451-525 in Ireland and founded an abbess of women, as well as a school of art. 

St Brigid

She is known for dramatic healings and miracles, and is thought to be connected with the Celtic goddess, Brigid.  Her FeastDay is February 1, which is also the festival of Imbolc, the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and marks the beginning of Spring. 

I am grateful for the nudge I received my friend, colleague, and healer, Heather Neary, to create a community event for this special day.  She drew my attention to what is occurring in the cosmos, and the Mayan calendar map of synchronicity, the Dreamspell. Let me share the synchronicities that seemed to shouted out to her, and then to me...

First - January 31, 2018 (the Eve of Brigid's Feast Day) is the third super Full Moon in a row, and coincides with a complete lunar eclipse - the start of an "eclipse portal," which is a powerful time to be conscious of new beginnings and openings.  We will have some powerful cosmos energy accompanying us!! (Ask me about Heather's Circles to help us be fully conscious of these energies!)

Second - In the Dreamspell calendar there are cycles upon cycles that include archetypal patterns, each archetype governed by a goddess (intuited by Heather).  Feb 1, 2018 is smack dab in the middle of a 13 day cycle of the Yellow Star, The Artist, governed by ---none other than Brigid!

Third - Each of us holds an archetypal energy based on our birthdate.  Mine is guided by the Yellow Star, The Artist - BRIGID!!

I realize that "Thursday" is not the usual time for doing a day long event! I felt it important to honor Brigid, and the healing, art, and herbal energies that she brings, on the actual Feast Day.  Especially since it follows on the heals of the Full Moon and the eclipse. I would be delighted for you to participate all day long, or for whatever portion you can be present! 

And Hey - maybe it's time to take a day off work for Self Care?? 

Bring a friend, if you like!

Healing Meditation Times

11am,  2pm,  7:30pm.  

If you can't make the day but want to participate virtually in the healing meditation, let me know!

Please RSVP by emailing me at  I ask for a $25* contribution for participation in this Day of Art, Herbs, and Healing Meditation.

*If you are already working with me, it's just $15!

**These require an additional cost of $15-25, depending on the project. 

I hope to see you on the Feast of St Brigid!!

gratefully!  Alisa








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Healing Our Sexual Wounds
10:30 AM10:30

Healing Our Sexual Wounds

Please join me with Kim Humphrey, yoga instructor, to gather in a healing space for the sacred purpose of healing our sexual wounds.  Whether they be from your own experience of sexual abuse, trauma, or harassment, the experience of loved ones, or the collective experience, coming together with intention to heal is powerful!! 

Although this will not be the space to share the details of our stories, we want to acknowledge all the parts of ourselves that come up around sexual woundedness, and begin a new relationship with our sexuality.  It is the physical source of desire and creativity (we use the word "pro-create" to mean bringing a new life forward!); it is a precious aspect of our Being! 

With teaching, poetry, sound, and an intensive healing meditation practice known as iRest, or Yoga Nidra, a container will be created for the next layer of healing to occur - for each of us personally, and for the collective.  In the wake of all of the outcries of sexual abuse that we have been witnessing, our own experiences, or those of loved ones, rise to the surface.  We will honor the different places on the healing path that each of us are traveling through, and offer each aspect for transformation.

Acknowledging sexual wounds that have occurred in the past and telling those stories is just the beginning!!  Let's come together to support the healing of one another, of our community, and of the whole world!

Please arrive by 10:15 to become settled so we can begin promptly at 10:30.  Bring a yoga mat and a blanket.  We request a contribution of $15-$20.  You may pay online by clicking the buttons below, or pay at the Circle.

Payment Options

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6:30 PM18:30

Souls and Saints: A Celebration of the Faithful Departed


Click here to register.  $35

Location - Seton Cove at 3708 Crawford St, Austin, TX 78731

Please join me at Seton Cove for an evening of celebration and honor for those who have gone before us. In the spirit of All Souls Day, the Day of the Dead, and All Saints Day, we gather to remember those Saints, Souls, and Ancestors with whom we feel connected and who have impacted our lives in meaningful ways. With candles and incense, music and meditation, we will call in the energy of the faithful departed. A guided meditation will give the opportunity to celebrate, make peace with, and have gratitude for the Souls and Saints in our lives.

Please bring pictures or other sacred items to place on the altar, a journal and a pen, your reverent Spirit, and your open mind and heart.



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